The Eucharist, source and summit of Christian Life  

Wonderful are the saving effects which every sacrifice of the Mass produces in the souls of those who participate.
What benefit for the disfigured victim of lust!

The Mass:

Obtains sorrow and pardon for sins

It lessens the temporal punishment due to sin

It weakens the influence of Satan

It weakens the untamed impulses of the flesh

It strengthens the bonds of our union in the Body of Christ

It protects from danger and disaster

It shortens the punishment in purgatory

It obtains for us a higher degree of glory in Heaven

It reconciles the sinner with God

It causes the just man to be more upright

It wipes away sins

It eliminates vices

It grows virtue and merit

It frustrates the Devil's schemes

Secrets of the Eucharist

The Eucharist is alive - Jesus is physically present with us in His sacrament

Christ is not alone - Jesus brings also his soul and divinity and the Holy Trinity to us

There is only one Mass - the miracle of the Mass is that each one offered makes present the one sacrifice of Christ which remains ever before the Father in Heaven, in perpetual enactment

The Eucharist is not one miracle but a multitude of miracles [see list above] and it is the greatest of all His miracles:
God becomes food for men and feeds a multitude of billions

Jesus hungers for hearts and souls - Jesus hungers for communion with us

Every reception of the sacrament is different

There is no limit to the number of times we can receive Jesus in spiritual communion

Copyrights Jesus Our Eucharistic Love by Fr. Stephano Manelli

Seven Secrets of the Eucharist by Vinny Flynn